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C. Meranda Flachs-Surmanek, Why Wow Studio

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, New York, NY, USA, and Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
The Mitchell Art Gallery at MacEwan University, ProjectArt, and Newcastle University
Spring 2018 - present
Project Components
- Workshop Design & Facilitation
- Partnership Development
We Shape This City
We Shape This City is a laboratory that explores themes of belonging, displacement, and spatial justice through creative expression. Drawing on dance, visual art, and theater practices, we build connections between these ideas and our stories. The experience is especially suited to people curious about the role of the arts to help us look at civic processes and structural inequities anew.
Places are shaped by memory. When communities are destroyed or extracted from, we lose more than just wealth. In We Shape This City, we look at the hierarchy of memory created through systemic violence. We feel through our memories as we experience others’ memories. The experience invites people to move
differently in association with their neighbors and
in the environments they move through daily. In
doing so, we implement a micro-space of justice
within the context of the workshop space. These
new insights travel with us.
We Shape This City was initially developed as an Artist-in-Residence at MacEwan
University’s Mitchell Art Gallery in Alberta, located on Amiskwacîwâskahikan,
Treaty 6 Territory, Canada in 2018. It was recently supported by the 2023 Diversity Scholars program out of the Office of Recruitment, Diversity, and Inclusion. I’ve led We Shape This City with Andreza Jorge (dance, Mulheres ao Vento), Hiromi Okumura (visual/performance), and Rosa Stourac McCreery (theater).