C. Meranda Flachs-Surmanek, MFA/MUP, Why Wow Studio


Katherine Biddle (left) and Steven T. Licardi (right) check out the “Healthstorian”, a vintage camper equippied with recording equipment

Recipe for a Healthy Healthcare Environment
Created with Carilion Clinic Chaplaincy Services Staff

1 cup of love rolled in faith
1 cup of hope
Season to taste with essential oil (e.g. lavender, peppermint)
1 tablespoon of reggae
Minced laughter and tears
A pinch of resilience
1 cup of inclusivity
Garnished in compassion
1/4 teaspoon of dancing like no one is watching

Restor(y)ing the Essential Soul: Creative Storytelling for Healing at Carilion Clinic

Artist-in-Residence with Steven T. Licardi

Creativity is central to healthy lives, and telling stories brings us closer to knowing each other and ourselves.

I work with Steven T. Licardi to bring hospitality and belly laughter to the hospital setting, where we use the power of the arts -- storytelling, poetry, and improv-- to build connections with ourselves and our colleagues. Our mission is to bring joy, wonder, beauty, and possibility into as many interactions as possible between staff in the hospital setting. We work with staff to develop communities of support, practice self-compassion and experience collective care in the service of personal and collective well-being.

Resiliency is not something healthcare staff and providers need to work harder at to obtain. Our healthcare systems must work harder to create more resilient systems and processes for healthcare providers and staff to thrive in. Creativity can help us innovate and consider what we need to thrive, together.

Themes of our work have included: 1) Adapting to change, 2) Accompanying grief, 3) Practicing mistake-making and cognitive flexibility, 4) Leading in a remote environment, 5) Building connections with each other, and 6) Practicing emotional availability.

This initiative is a collaboration between the Dr. Robert L. A. Keeley Healing Arts Program at Carilion and the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine (VTCSOM).